Real-Time Face Detection and Custom Variable Font Personalization Using FaceApi Machine learning model.

Published by Kushtrim Hamzaj
July 11, 2023

FaceAPI.js machine learning library enables the personalization of web experiences by providing a face recognition model that is able to interpret various facial expressions and faces. In this experiment, these features were utilised to make the axes of the variable font responsive to individual users. This meant that whenever a user stood in front of the typeface/camera, the machine learning library could detect their faces or recognize previously identified ones and apply their font settings accordingly.

Technological Foundation of the Prototype.

The prototype was created as a web application, utilizing commonly-used technolo-gies including HTML, p5.js (JavaScript library), and CSS, alongside the standard web camera sensor to ensure cross-platform compatibility and accessibility with vari-ous devices and browsers (Fig. 2). However, at the core of the prototype’s functionali-ty lies the FaceAPI machine learning library provided by ml5.js and tensorflow.

The full Article is coming soon.